As we wait for a few of the Virtues to, please, show themselves, we shall continue looking further at The Sin-ly Septet. It seems, as noted previously, lying is not a sin. In the same way courage and bravery don’t seem to meet the Virtues Threshold. Which, one might think, would make them easier to attain for un-saintly politicians. Mental fodder to chew over as we consider the next two transgressions in our Pantheon of Immoralities: Pride and Lust.
The Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Division of Art, Prints and Photographs: Print Collection, The New York Public Library. (1500 - 1550). Superbia [Pride] Retrieved from
What on earth is wrong
With having the best?
I’m not at all bragging.
It’s a statement of fact.
I do not need or require
Your presence to know
Where I stand, what I am,
How I am, where you stand
In relation to me and my
Station, I earned it,
Entitled, a bit, but not
Being snobbish, just
Better is better.
And best is best.
What can I say?
I need flesh, I mean
Luscious flesh,
Young skin, please
Younger I said,
To touch,
To take me in
Thrust and thirst
And thrust and Thrust
Who are you who you are
Is consequential-less,
You are there for me.
Orifice to satisfy
That’s all? That
Was it? I mean
Maybe over there,
The other flesh
Will be the one
Yes I must have
The other flesh
To thrust and Thrust
I mean
Is that