A million years ago (well, a decade or two in the past) I often felt compelled to commit Poetry. Just for me, see? Very little to share here, except, perhaps, for a few forays into Occasional Poems—poems for someone’s birthday or some such. Whichever, wherever, those and other private poems came from a place of listening, which evolved into the urgent need to share what I had heard through words written and tangible. The need to commit Poetry, for me, dictates a crunching up of words, a need to ask myself what I am listening to, or just have listened to, or have listened to enough that the thoughts demand attention. A while ago I shared my poetic thoughts on the Seven Virtues and the Seven Deadly Sins. Today it’s … Overhead:
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Where is Philip K. Dick when we need him? Where’s Carl Hiaasen? Like, I suspect, many, I’m tired of saying “You can’t make this stuff up,” while laughing nervously and expecting to hear that a red button has been pushed. I’d really like my time, brains, and emotions back. Could we have the election tomorrow?
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So what’s left? We’ve visited the villages of Greed Hollow and Gluttony Gorge, had a picnic on Envy Green, toured the Palace of Pride, and looked around the Land O’ Lust. Our tour continues with a quick stop on the Isle of Wrath, followed by a very slow trek through the Slough of Sloth. Happy Trails!!!
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I rarely commit poetry these days. However, something in our current zeitgeist filtered through the Erato mist, and I found myself, almost unbidden, using verse to try and come to terms with all the anti-truth that every day dribbles through our consciousness.
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Later, after the vise is open,
Rough old hands—
Gnarled fingers, calloused thumbs—
Invoke the plan.
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Hopper’s work is all about the space between people and things, space that is usually filled with light that never really illuminates, space that exists on its own plane, space and light that create their own tension.
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I loved her before I met her. It was this freak deal. She had lived in this place where I lived, but she lived there two or three people before I came.
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